We understand that panic buying due to the COVID-19 crisis has created shortages in the markets, making it difficult for individuals to feed their families. At this time, all of our locations and our production facility are stocked and ready to serve you.
That being said - we are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of both customers and our staff.
At this time, we have taken the following action:
- We’ve made curbside pickup available at all of our locations in order to adhere to social distancing recommendations.
- We are not allowing anyone other than essential employees into our production facility.
- Our retail associates have been advised to wash their hands after every customer interaction, and to wipe down all commonly touched surfaces every fifteen minutes.
- We are asking that if at all possible, customers utilize card payment instead of cash.
- All staff members capable of performing their jobs remotely are now working from home.
- We have limited our retail staff to reduce the chance of transmission.
- We are providing employees whose hours have been affected by the crisis with work they can perform from home.
- We have reached out to the Delaware County Council to offer our assistance by providing meals to those most at risk, including elderly individuals who are unable to leave their homes.
- As always, our customers have the ability to order our meals online and have them shipped directly to their homes.
We will under no circumstances inflate prices due to this crisis. Doing so would be immoral and, quite simply, wrong. It is during times such as these that communities must come together, not profit off of the misfortune of others.
Please remember that small businesses such as ours will be among the most impacted by this crisis. When making decisions on where to buy, keep in mind that small food markets and corner stores like ours are much less crowded than large chain grocery stores. If you prefer not to go out at all at this time, don’t forget that we will continue to ship to all 48 contiguous states. Shopping small is not only better for your community, but it can also be safer.
Thank you very much for your support.