In order to ensure your group receives credit for an order, you'll need to create an account. Just let us know who you are and what group you want to support, and you'll be ready to order!
Once you're logged into an account, you can view our menu of 50+ homemade meals, desserts, soups, sides, and more and choose what you'd like to order. 20% of the value of every product ordered goes directly to your group.
When you're happy with the meals you've added to your cart, go ahead and complete your order. You can see exactly how much your group will receive in your shopping cart. You can add a cash donation for your group at checkout if you'd like.
As soon as your order is placed, our team will get your package ready for shipment and your group will be notified of a new order benefitting their fundraiser. All that's left is for you to receive your meals and enjoy the easy dinners!
If you have already signed up, be sure to login before placing an order to ensure your group receives credit.